
al-Makrhour / المخرور

The Palestinian communities in al-Makhrour Wadi, deeply rooted in their lands for over a millennium, now face persistent threats from Israeli settlers. Surrounded by expanding settlements like Har Gilo and Nahal Heletz, these families are uniting to resist colonialism and indigenous erasure. Learn more about the actions you can take to support.

Join a global movement

Palestinian organizers and solidarity activist are taking meaningful actions to help resist the violent takover of al-Makhour. From legal cases to non-violent protests, join the campaign to learn more about the actions you can take to support.


The global community is speaking out against the violent take over of al-Makhrour. Join our email list and social media channels to ensure you stay connected to the movement to save al-Makhrour and the broader Palestinian movement for decolonization.

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al-Makhrour in context frequent questions

Can't find your answer? Send an email and one of our community organizers will get back to you .

  • al-Makhrour is a lush wadi with a history of Palestinian agriculture, culture, and community life stretching back over a thousand years. It embodies the deep-rooted relationship between Palestinian communities and their land, serving as a vital part of their heritage, identity, and survival.
  • Communities in al-Makhrour face numerous threats, including land seizures, harassment by settlers, and restricted access to their farmland. The encroaching settlements of Har Gilo and Nahal Heletz, among others, threaten the livelihoods and ancestral lands of these communities, making daily life increasingly precarious.
  • Palestinians in al-Makhrour are employing multiple forms of resistance, from legal actions to preserve land ownership to collective farming, local advocacy, and international awareness campaigns. They work together to maintain their presence, cultivate the land, and foster community resilience despite constant pressures.
  • Al-Makhrour’s agricultural fertility and its strategic location make it a focal point for settler expansion. Israeli settlers and authorities often target such areas to expand settlement boundaries, aiming to annex more land and restrict Palestinian access to resources and movement.
  • Supporters can contribute by raising awareness, advocating for Palestinian rights, supporting legal defense funds, or engaging with organizations working on the ground. Sharing information, donating to relevant causes, and lobbying governments to protect Palestinian rights are vital ways to assist.
  • The situation in al-Makhrour mirrors the broader context of Palestinian land dispossession, displacement, and resistance under Israeli policies. This struggle is part of a larger narrative of colonial pressures faced by Palestinians, making local efforts here representative of national resistance to displacement and erasure.

Home demolitions: A process ofindigenous erasure

This data only covers demolitions in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. It does not include the widespread destruction in Gaza or the demolished homes and structures within 1948 Palestine, such as in the Naqab and Galilee. The Israeli frequently target these areas with more demolitions than East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Map Range | Last 365 days


512total/365 days 1/14/2023 to 1/8/2025


  • Daily average 1.40
  • 90 day avg ↓1.00
  • 30 day avg ↓0.00
  • 14 day avg ↓0.00

Displaced People

6,571total/365 days 1/14/2023 to 1/8/2025


  • Daily average 18.00
  • 90 day avg ↓6.23
  • 30 day avg ↓0.00
  • 14 day avg ↓0.00

Children Displaced

2,793total/365 days 1/14/2023 to 1/8/2025


  • Daily average 7.65
  • 90 day avg ↓2.58
  • 30 day avg ↓0.00
  • 14 day avg ↓0.00


This data is aggregated from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) demolition dataset. Maintenance and calculations are performed by the Good Shepherd Collective.

Have a question?

Here are some additional resources on Israel's policies of home demolitions and their subsequent impact on the indigenous populations.

Organize a discussion

Education is first step in community organizing. Here you can connect with some of al-Makhrour activsts to host a webinar or panel discussion.

Amira is a life-long community organizer who has been mobilizing the international community to resist against colonialism and displacement.

al-Makhrour up close

The images of homeland, colonization and resistance that have come to define Palestine.

Israeli settlers attack Alice Kisiya
and her family at their property in al-Makhrour.

Palestinian protesters resist
land confinscation in al-Makhrour.

Palestinian activists and clergy
gather to resist land confiscation in al-Makhrour.

The zionist movement
continues attacks on Kisiya family.

The al-Makhrour valley.

Invest a better future,a future of justice

Material support is critical to ensuring that the communities of al-Makhrour have the resources to resist and stay on their lands. Make a donation as an act of solidarity with the families who fighting against colonization and erasure.